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  • Writer's pictureR.F.G. Cameron

Why I Write

Updated: Feb 17, 2018

Because I must.

In the long-ago time when I was a child, I didn't dream of becoming a writer. I loved to read so much I'd read books most kids didn't. Chaucer, Dante, Norton, Asimov, and Silverberg [among others] opened new worlds during my childhood. What I didn't realize then was writers would help shape the person I'd become, not because I wanted to be a writer like them, but rather in the character-forming sense.

If someone were to ask "Should I take up writing as a profession?" I'd have to say find something else. The reality is sitting behind a keyboard trying to get characters from where they are to where they need to be can be very frustrating. Add in research time if you want the story to be plausible. You might also want to think about all the time spent preparing meals, doing laundry, running errands, and all the other things entailed in living, unless you have people willing to do all that for you, which I don't.

Since today is Saturday, I do believe I need to do a few things involving a trip to the store, perhaps the park to let those I serve play and be kids, and whatever life throws into the mix. I'm not going to sit here and fill in all those generic blog suggestions today as I do have a life. Try to enjoy your day and cherish it, because you could be a writer trying to work on one thing while juggling everything else.

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